
You can know more about me in the homepage and my vitae. This blog site, as its name indicates, is about statistics, R, graphics and fun. It is particularly focused on R. I often update my old posts (even after years) to correct errors and remove outdated information, so please do not take everything for granted.

This site was created with Jekyll and the template was derived from the site setImpl by Linghua Zhang; the homepage was based on the design of Tao Zhang (thanks a lot, guys!). You may need a decent web browser to view this site (such as Firefox or Chrome), otherwise the layout can be a mess and the fonts can look ugly. You can navigate to the last post by the left-arrow key (<-) or next post by right-arrow (->), or equivalently keys J and K.

I like contributing to open source software like:

  • R: I’m the author of a few R packages (see vitae)
  • LyX: I maintain the Sweave and knitr modules in LyX with Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

I have an interview on The Setup where you will learn more about me on the software side.

You can find me on GitHub or Twitter @xieyihui or Google+. Subscribe to the RSS feed of blog posts or all comments to stay tuned.